Advancing Religious Freedom and Pro-life Health Care


Our Mission

The Christ Medicus Foundation shares Jesus Christ’s healing love in health care. We champion religious freedom for medical professionals and patients. We promote Christ-centered pro-life medical care, and we offer our CURO Catholic health care community for medical needs and whole-person wellness.

Our Message

We believe that each person is made in the image and likeness of God with infinite worth. Health care in America should reflect this, making God’s love present, upholding every patient’s dignity, and protecting the religious freedom of every medical professional to love and care for their patients.

Our Method

Founded in 1997, the Christ Medicus Foundation accomplishes its mission defending religious freedom and medical conscience by promoting public policy and education, supporting Christ-centered pro-life medical centers, and building Catholic health care through our CURO health care community.

Recent Updates from CMF

Defending Religious Freedom

For over 20 years CMF has defended religious freedom by educating religious and lay leaders on the intersection of health care, the exercise of faith and religious freedom, and the defense of the right to life. CMF has led coalitions, campaigns, and conferences to educate and inform Christ-centered health care decisions.

Supporting Pro-Life Health Care

CMF helps pro-life health care providers build and expand their business practice management and empower their growth, supporting various Catholic and pro-life medical providers throughout the country. We began our CURO health care community to bring together Catholics and offer a place for pro-life health care and wellness, spiritual care and prayer. 

Leading a National Movement

The Christ Medicus Foundation is leading a national movement for religious freedom, medical conscience rights and defending access to pro-life, life affirming health care. CMF co-founded the Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance, helps defend the rights, health, and wellbeing of patients and families through the Health Care Civil Rights Taskforce, and builds momentum around the movement through the Religious Freedom Campaign.

Defending Religious Freedom

For over 20 years CMF has defended religious freedom by educating religious and lay leaders on the intersection of health care, the exercise of faith and religious freedom, and the defense of the right to life. CMF has led coalitions, campaigns, and conferences to educate and inform Christ-centered health care decisions.

Supporting Pro-Life Health Care

CMF helps pro-life health care providers build and expand their business practice management and empower their growth, supporting various Catholic and pro-life medical providers throughout the country. We began our CURO health care community to bring together Catholics and offer a place for pro-life health care and wellness, spiritual care and prayer. 

Leading a National Movement

The Christ Medicus Foundation is leading a national movement for religious freedom, medical conscience rights and defending access to pro-life, life affirming health care. CMF co-founded the Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance, helps defend the rights, health, and wellbeing of patients and families through the Health Care Civil Rights Taskforce, and builds momentum around the movement through the Religious Freedom Campaign.

Support the Mission

We need your help in this historic and exciting time in the next phase of the pro-life movement. Your financial support helps us safeguard medical conscience rights and expand care for the health and healing of millions of women, children, and families across America!

Join the Mission

Join our grassroots efforts to raise awareness about the vital need for medical conscience and religious freedom rights and to launch a historic expansion of pro-life health care across America. Sign up to receive updates, newsletters, and learn how to get involved.