CONTACT: Kathy Dempsey for Christ Medicus Foundation CURO, 202-359-4379

The Christ Medicus Foundation is blessed and honored to announce that His Excellency, Most Reverend James Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska, has joined the organization’s Board of Directors. Bishop Conley has been a courageous leader in areas central to the CMF mission: renewing and growing Christ-centered, Catholic, pro-life health care and advancing religious freedom and medical conscience rights for health care providers and patients.

“I am honored that the Christ Medicus Foundation has invited me to serve on its Board of Directors to help guide its ministry centered in the healing love of the Divine Physician, Jesus Christ,” remarked Bishop Conley. “Inside each of us is the truth of our identity, that we were created by God, who is Love, and are made to love and be loved. Tragically, in our current culture, the life, dignity, health, and identity of so many have been compromised, particularly in health care.”

An answer to this widespread cultural challenge, Bishop Conley said, can be found in what CMF and similar ministries offer. “Fortunately, the Christ Medicus Foundation is a Catholic health care ministry offering Catholic health and wellness options for individuals and families to advance in their health and wellness and heal spiritually, physically, and mentally.” The Christ Medicus Foundation is an important leader in bringing health, healing, and wholeness, inspired by the Divine Physician, to families and communities. CMF’s programs are helping to build the culture of life in health care. “I look forward to helping CMF faithfully make the Divine Physician and His plan for health and healing more fully present in our nation,” Bishop Conley stated.

Michael Warner, board president of the Christ Medicus Foundation, welcomed Bishop Conley, saying, “We are extremely pleased and honored to have His Excellency Bishop Conley join the Christ Medicus Foundation Board. Bishop Conley is a profound leader in the Catholic health care space and his ministry aligns perfectly with the strategic objectives of the Christ Medicus Foundation and our Catholic mission. We are looking forward to receiving the Bishop’s wisdom, spiritual guidance, and vision as we advance Catholic health care in the United States.”

Louis Brown Jr., J.D., executive director of the Christ Medicus Foundation, voiced his admiration and gratitude for Bishop Conley joining the Board. “Bishop Conley is a true shepherd who provides extraordinary leadership for the Church and for Catholic health care. Bishop Conley has a deep relationship with Christ, the Divine Physician, and a unique ability to guide Catholic healthcare entities to be Christ’s instruments for health and healing. His leadership has attempted to renew the Church’s health care ministry by helping it focus not only on treating physical illness but also on the true reason Jesus Christ came: to restore God’s children in their identity as sons and daughters of Christ the King. Bishop Conley will be a critical advisor on CMF’s efforts to advance its Catholic health and wellness programs. A true shepherd, Bishop Conley will help us serve the health and wellness needs of more individuals, families, and employers by caring for the whole person—body, mind, and soul.”

The Christ Medicus Foundation shares Jesus Christ’s healing health and wellness. We advance religious freedom for medical professionals and patients. We promote Christ-centered pro-life medical care. We provide the CURO Catholic health and wellness program for the medical needs and whole-person wellness of individuals and families. Founded in 1997, the Christ Medicus Foundation works to accomplish its mission through promoting public policy and education, supporting Christ-centered pro-life medical centers, and providing our CURO Catholic Health and Wellness Program.