For Immediate Release: The Need for Consent in Medical Interventions & the Problematic Nature of Vaccine Mandates
Statement by The Christ Medicus Foundation addressing the problematic rise of vaccine mandates "The Christ Medicus Foundation calls for a respect of the conscience of the individual to make their own decisions about what medical interventions to receive or not...
For Immediate Release: New Ohio Law Protects Civil Right of Medical Conscience
Last night, on June 30, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed into law major state budget legislation that included broad medical conscience protections. The law of the land in Ohio now fully protects the civil right of medical professionals to love and care for patients consistent with their moral, ethical, and religious convictions.
For Immediate Release: Christ Medicus Foundation Statement on the Supreme Court’s Decision in the Case of Fulton v. City of Philadelphia
The Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling in Fulton strongly indicates that the Equality Act legislation, certain proposed HHS regulatory action, and other efforts to destroy the religious freedom rights of doctors, nurses, faith-based hospitals, and health care entities would be an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment right to religious liberty.
For Immediate Release: New HHS Action Threatens the Civil Right of Medical Conscience
The HHS announcement of its new interpretation of sex discrimination in health care undermines medical conscience rights and disregards the will of Congress as articulated in the Administrative Procedures Act.
For Immediate Release: Governor’s Signing of Arkansas Conscience Legislation Reinforces Urgent Need to Protect Civil Rights of Medical Workers Across the Country
For Immediate Release: Governor’s Signing of Arkansas Conscience Legislation Reinforces Urgent Need to Protect Civil Rights of Medical Workers Across the Country
For Immediate Release: Amend the American Rescue Plan to Restrict Taxpayer Funding of Abortions
For Immediate Release: Amend the American Rescue Plan Restrict Taxpayer Funding of Abortions