November 9, 2020: The Catholic Worldview and the 2020 Election Louis discusses the importance of sharing Catholic worldview through the mind of Christ. He emphasizes that our republic recognizes the God-given human dignity that no institution can take away. Free and...
November 5, 2020: Pro-Life Advocacy in the 2020 Election Louis Brown shares perspective on the election and its importance as it relates to issues facing pro-life advocacy groups, Catholic health care, and voter suppression. Brown reiterates the importance of our...
The Survival of Pro-life Health Care & Religious Freedom Michael Vacca, CMF Director of Ministry and Bioethics, discusses this year’s highly contested election and what it means for religious freedom in health care and pro-life health care that protects the...
On “EWTN News Nightly” : Louis Brown, executive director of the Christ Medicus Foundation, has a preview of an event for Catholic groups and their response to COVID-19. Watch the Louis Brown on EWTN News Nightly below: EWTN News NightlyJune 17,...
CMF Executive Director, Louis Brown, discusses A Cause for Hope, digital health care conference on July 18th with Al Kresta on Ave Maria Radio. Click the button below to listen: Listen to Louis Brown on Kresta in the Afternoon