May 28, 2020 | Press Releases
For Immediate ReleaseTroy, MI (May 28, 2020) On May 26, 2020, the County Executive of Howard County, Maryland issued a public health executive order that as written and issued would have effectively prohibited consuming communion at churches. Thankfully, however,...
May 8, 2020 | Media Appearances, Video
Executive Director, Louis Brown, discusses the disproportionate number of COVID-19 infections and deaths in African American communities on EWTN News Nightly. Watch the clip:
May 7, 2020 | Blog, Media Appearances, Press Releases, Pro-Life News
Digital Health Care Conference Hosted by the Christ Medicus Foundation For Immediate ReleaseTroy, MI (May 7, 2020)The response to COVID-19 has rapidly redefined our country’s approach to health care. There is an urgent need to inform and educate the public about the...
Apr 1, 2020 | Media Appearances, Publications
Executive Director, Louis Brown wrote the article Compassion: Protecting Employee Health During A Crisis which was recently published by the Napa Legal Institute “For Catholic lay apostolates, the Coronavirus Pandemic raises urgent issues related to the...