Jun 26, 2020 | Media Appearances, Publications
Recent News Article highlights impacts on religious liberty imposed by COVID-19 restrictions, quoting CMF Executive Director Louis Brown “Louis Brown, executive director of the Christ Medicus Foundation, a Catholic health care nonprofit, said there’s a...
Apr 17, 2020 | Media Appearances, Pro-Life News, Publications
FEMA issues guidelines to ensure ‘equal protection’ for all COVID patients “A crisis that involves triage may strain our resources, but it cannot strain our values. We call on every hospital and health care center to act now to ensure that those...
Mar 24, 2020 | Media Appearances, Press Releases
Press Release – For Immediate ReleaseTroy, MI (March 24, 2020) The Christ Medicus Foundation and MyCatholicDoctor announce a new strategic relationship to provide greater access to Catholic healthcare through telemedicine, which is especially needed during this...