Apr 13, 2020 | Media Appearances, Press Releases
The NCBC and the Christ Medicus Foundation issued a joint press release on April 13, 2020. Who lives and who dies with COVID-19? America’s health care workers on the front lines are already confronting this question as they work to save lives in unprecedented triage...
Mar 11, 2020 | Audio, Media Appearances
The Little Sisters of the Poor will head back to the Supreme Court this term as they continue to defend their religious liberty from the HHS Contraception mandate. As debates continue to rage over the future of health care, will religious liberty be respected? Louis...
Mar 5, 2020 | Blog, Pro-Life News
The State of California has required that all insurance plans operating in its borders include coverage for abortion since August 22, 2014.[1] On January, 24, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a warning to California that this...
Jan 9, 2020 | Audio, Media Appearances
“I want to wake the Catholic community up and the pro-life community up…that the playing field upon which all the pro-life issues are determined is in health care,” said Louis Brown, executive director of Christ Medicus Foundation, who recently...